
881 High Street Thornbury VIC 3071 Australia Telephone: +61 3 9484 6001
Trading Hours: Tuesday to Saturday, 10 - 5

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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Have you seen Madame Brussels?

If you have found your way to our little shop lately, you may have noticed our new front window display.

Madame Brussels is on display, advertising our new collection of pocket sized books from Arcade Publications, right here in Melbourne.

We stock the following titles, each one a pocket history on an amazing part of Melbourne.

- EW Cole: Chasing the Rainbow.
- MacRobertsonland.
- Madame Brussels: This Moral Pandemonium
- Making Modern Melbourne

They make great gifts if you want to give someone a little part of Melbourne.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Little finds

Sometimes you get a few things in without having had proper time to have a real close look at them, and when you do have a closer look - you make some amazing discoveries. Like the old trunk we got on the weekend.

The trunk itself is beautiful, all old wood with a patterned paper finish, but it is this label on the side of the trunk that makes it special.

Anyone who stocked velocipedes is worth researching in my book. I have looked into the history of Eastern Arcade in Melbourne, the building no longer exists as it was knocked down a couple of years ago - but it seems it was rather notorious in its heyday.

Must have been all those velocipedes...